
These are just some words our attendees used to describe their experience at our recent Chief Revenue Officer Summit in San Francisco.

In between informative talks and insightful discussions, we asked some of our Chief Revenue Officer Summit attendees their thoughts on the event, specifically focusing on:

Benefits of attending an in-person event

Our attendees shared some of the benefits they’ve experienced from attending an in-person event.

Here’s what Paige Roncke, Chief Sales Strategy Officer at Centerbase had to say:

“The biggest benefit of attending an in-person event is connecting with professionals with different experience levels, who are here for the same reason.
 “We're all here to network and get resources from each other on how to make quicker data-driven decisions. 
“Professionals who have less experience as a CRO but a more varied experience in their background, whether that be marketing, or strategy, or even product, are going to come at problems from a different angle. 
“And other executives who have more experience being a CRO, or being a sales leader and have come to this role from a sales-centric background, are going to have another different perspective. 
“It's really great to be able to connect with, understand, and value those different perspectives, and have someone to bounce ideas off.”

Geoff Hendricks, Key Account Executive at Challenger, continued:

“The chance to actually network and have informal conversations along the way, with folks who are discussing the challenges that they're facing and success they’re having – it's invaluable to get that new perspective.”

Natasha Royer Coons, Chief Executive Officer at Advantix, added:

“I attended last year and got so much out of this event in terms of amazing connections, access to new technology, and key insights. 
“I was also invited to come back and speak, so that was amazing.”

Key takeaways from the Chief Revenue Officer Summit in San Francisco

Such good insights into why attending in-person events is so important, straight from our attendees. But that’s not all, our attendees continued by revealing their key takeaways from the Summit.

Geoff Hendricks starts off:

“You have to have leadership alignment.
“If you're not able to align with the leaders at the top, all the way down to the frontline, you're gonna struggle. 
“We heard that over and over today, in multiple facets and within multiple different sessions.”

Natasha Royer Coons shares her insights:

“It's just being in the room with like-minded individuals with similar obstacles and challenges that we're all solving.
“Knowing that you're not alone and picking up on the mindshare and brain trust. That's been amazing.”

Paige Roncke concludes:

“I'm gonna leave today knowing that not every answer can be perfectly predicted by data. 
“Not every answer is the same – even if the context and the situation is the same. 
“You have to take into account every factor that's happening around you, you have to lean into the information that you have, and you need to move forward and make choices. 
“Today we saw that in a myriad of different contexts that will happen, you’ll have a different outcome, and that's okay.”

Discover the hype by attending our next Chief Revenue Officer Summit

Feel like you want to get involved with our next Chief Revenue Officer Summit? No problem!

We’re hosting events in San Francisco and Chicago again soon - get more info! 👇