“I look at the course materials when I get stuck.”

Evelina Petrova, Head of Revenue Operations at Adyen, recently completed our Revenue Operations Certified: Core course and we caught up with her to hear more about her experience completing this RevOps certification. 

Evelina is a self-described RevOps nerd who drives business growth through technology, operational efficiency, and commercial strategy. She is currently Head of Revenue Operations at Adyen, and has 7+ years of experience in marketing operations and RevOps.

This case study covers:

How Evelina discovered Revenue Operations Certified: Core

Evelina found the course after becoming aware of our Chief Revenue Officer Summit in Amsterdam and searching our website for related resources. She signed up for our Revenue Operations Certified: Core course before the event took place.

Which aspects of the certification Evelina found most valuable

“I really appreciate how the content was complemented with templates and frameworks via additional documentation. 

“For example, Module 2: "Building your RevOps team for success" had nice additions such as the case study, an article, and some templates for change management. The videos were also very nice and included some real-life examples. 

“We are a new RevOps team formed four months ago through a merge of two teams - Commercial Operations and Marketing Operations. We've started a lot of initiatives to set up new KPIs, objectives and initiatives, roles mapping, and vision/strategy statements but it’s extremely helpful to get guidance from outside

“Now, I look at the course materials when I get stuck.”

Looking for a bargain? Our Pro+ membership offers tons of value including Revenue Operations Core and a Summit ticket annually, for a massive discount. Become a Pro+ member.

How Evelina is transferring the insights and knowledge from the course into her day-to-day practice

“During the course, I kept track of my thoughts and ideas in the spreadsheet found in the "Action points" section.

“This enabled me to start auditing our team's progress towards establishing the RevOps function in my company. And create a roadmap of actions for the leadership team. 

“Addressing those action points in a prioritized and distributed manner between each other, while maintaining the same narrative towards our stakeholders makes us more impactful and efficient. 

“Not everything should be tackled immediately and we now have a good overview of actions that should be taken until the end of this year. Making small but continuous progress and having a sharp focus on the right things to optimize are two critical aspects of the journey to becoming an effective team. 

“We want to be recognized not only for good execution, but also for being impactful in a measurable way towards the business revenue metrics/KPIs.”

Want to discuss team certification? Chat to Kyle: kyle@salesenablementcollective.com

What would Evelina would say to fellow RevOps professionals considering signing up for RevOps Core

“No matter how confident you are in the current state of operations of your RevOps team, there are always areas you can elevate even further

“We are living in an extremely fast-paced technological environment and developments are happening faster than we, as leaders and operational professionals, can act on them. It can save us time, headaches, and money to know what use cases have been tackled well by others and what we should focus on in the next planning cycle. 

“If one organization has done well implementing AI solutions for customer support, another org might have fixed the challenges of forecasting accuracy, and all that knowledge can easily guide your own approach to making an impact in your organization. 

“Investing in continuous learning for any team is a key to long-term success.” 

Looking to take your revenue operations knowledge to the next level?

Only 26.8% of RevOps professionals have completed a revenue operations-specific qualification, and over 40% of them received a promotion after upskilling.

There’s never been a better time to get certified.

You’ll learn:

💡 What revenue operations truly means.

💥 How to build an impactful RevOps team.

🔑 The keys to tracking your team’s success.

✨ How to enhance the function in your organization.